Download TuneIn Radio Pro Apk v24.9 | 14 MB | Resumable Links |Requires : Android 1.6 and Up |
Browse and listen to radio — live, local and global.
TuneIn is a new way to listen to music, sports and news from every corner of the earth, with over 60,000 radio stations and 2 million on-demand programs. The Pro version of this service lets you record all of this to your Android phone or tablet.
What’s New
- – Dedicated Premium Tab
- – Easier Navigation of Your Favorites
- – Reimagined Premium Page
- – Improved Google Login Support
TuneIn Radio Pro Apk Latest Features
- Search for a song, artist or show to find radio stations around the world playing it live
- Record, pause and rewind any station as you listen *Pro Exclusive!*
- Tune in to CBS, ESPN, TEDTalks and more!
- Add stations, songs, and shows to your presets
- Wake up with the alarm clock. Fall asleep with the sleep timer
- Play your programs in the background while you use other apps
Mod Info:
- Standalone Android Package
- Android App Bundle Repacked (Split APKs Packer v5.2.2):
- Languages: Multi (Full set)
- DPIs: hdpi, ldpi, mdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi
- CPUs: arm64_v8a, armeabi_v7a, x86, x86_64
- Crashlytics Removed (code + libs + natives)
- Fabric Removed (code + libs)
- Bugsnag Removed (code + libs + natives)
- ComScore Removed (code + libs + natives)
- Nielsen Removed (code + libs)
- Appsflyer Removed (code + libs
- Branch Removed (code + libs)
- FirebaseAnalytics Removed (code)
- Facebook Logger Removed (code)
- Loggers Removed (code)
- Reporters Removed (code)
- Crash Handlers Removed (code)
- Consent/GDPR Removed (code)
- Premium stuff Removed (code)
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